Stay for a night or a week at Ulvsby Manor

Ulvsby Manor is beautifully situated on the banks of Lake Fryken in Sunne in the middle of Värmland. One of the most beautiful areas in Sweden, if you ask us!

Välj antal rum och gäster:

Värmland scenery tickles all the senses. Take in all the experiences that await just outside the door of Ulvsby Manor. Make the Manor your relaxing basecamp for days or even weeks while exploring the surroundings. The area around Sunne includes Selma Lagerlof’s memorial estate, Mårbacka; the Västanå Theatre, whose performances in Berättarladan take visitors’ breath away; and Rottneros Park, with its unique garden and sculpture collection.  If you’d like to add a cultural stamp to your holidays, don’t miss Sunne Culture Week, which offers an extensive and fascinating programme every August.

Vandringspaket 2 dagar

En längre vandringsupplevelse för dig som vill ha tid att…

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    Övernattning 2 nätter
  • restaurant
    Frukost 2
  • restaurant
    Middag 2
  • restaurant
    Smörgåspaket 2
  • check
    Kartor och vandringsinformation
  • spa
    Entré Drottning Kristinas Badstuga
Fira midsommar på herrgård

Midsommar på Ulvsby herrgård, Sunne, mitt i Värmland är allt…

  • bed
    Övernattning 2 nätter
  • restaurant
    Frukost & Middag
  • restaurant
  • cake
    Kaffe & Jordgubbstårta
  • local_bar
    Champagne & Jordgubbar
  • restaurant
  • spa
    Entré Drottning Kristinas Badstuga
  • celebration
    Midsommarfirande på Hembygdsgård
Fira påsk på herrgård

En helg fylld av inspiration, musik och njutning vid Frykens…

  • bed
    Övernattning 2 nätter
  • restaurant
    Frukost & Middag
  • restaurant_menu
    Påskmiddag m vinmeny
  • museum
    Ö Frykens Konstrunda - på egen hand
  • spa
    Entré Drottning Kristinas Badstuga
Golfweekend i Värmland

Nästa golfresa går till Värmland och Ulvsby herrgård!

"Ulvsby Herrgård is a historical site with a wonderful ambiance"
Winnie Eskild

The home of Selma Lagerlof and Alfred Nobel

Värmland scenery tickles all the senses. Take in all the experiences that await just outside the door of Ulvsby Manor. Make the Manor your relaxing basecamp for days or even weeks while exploring the surroundings. The area around Sunne includes Selma Lagerlof’s memorial estate, Mårbacka; the Västanå Theatre, whose performances in Berättarladan take visitors’ breath away; and Rottneros Park, with its unique garden and sculpture collection. 

If you’d like to add a cultural stamp to your holidays, don’t miss Sunne Culture Week, which offers an extensive and fascinating programme every August.


Hiking, Skiing and Wildlife

Many of our guests gladly mix cultural experiences with wilderness excursions in our lovely countryside. Less than 10 kilometres north of Ulvsby Manor, you can hike up Tossebergsklätten, a very special mountain cliff 343 metres above sea level. From the cliff top, all of Värmland lies at your feet and in clear weather, you can see for miles in every direction. There are two certified Värmland hiking trails in Sunne – the shorter Sundberg trail and the longer Ängen trail. You can also easily venture further north past Torsby to Hovfjället for both hiking and skiing.

Arts & Craft

On other days, you can head out on an art excursion through the south around Karlstad and along Lake Vänern. Take the road east of Fryken and make your first stop at Alma Löv Museum in Östra Ämtervik. Lars Lerin’s Sandgrund art gallery and the Värmland Museum await you in the county capital. In Borgvik, you’ll find Sliperiet, with both exhibitions and a restaurant well worth a visit. Take the opportunity to stop in next door at Mimmi Design, which designs and sells unique clothing in linen. In Arvika, in western Värmland, the Rackstad Museum and the Arvika Art Gallery are absolute musts on your itinerary.

Here in Värmland, we also preserve and develop our fine tradition of arts and crafts. Keep an eye along our country roads for farm shops, flea markets and artist studios open to visitors, where you’re sure to find the perfect souvenir of your stay with us. 

The King of Sweden and the Nobel Prize Dinner

You’ll find exquisite handicrafts at Klässbols Linneväveri, which weaves the tablecloths for the Nobel Prize dinner, linens for the Royal Family, and offers many other beautiful things for the home.

Feel Right at Home

Contact us. Find us.

Phone + 46 (0) 565 14010

Adress: Ulvsby herrgård, S- 686 93 SUNNE

RT90: X: 6641512, Y: 1350540 WGS84: Lat N 59° 51′ 57″ Lon E 13° 8′ 13″ Decimal: 59.8659, 13.1370

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